Apr 8, 2007

First spring ride

After getting my bike back from Tom at SF Performance (he revalved my suspensions, added oversize front rotor, retuned engine, rebuilt controils with the new Pro Taper Evo, etc) I drove the 2 hours down to Walnut (past Dixon, IL, the native home of Pres' Ronald Reagan). Brad Jerominski and Club 57 MX had an MX class to prepare riders for the LL's Qualifiers.

Met with 'Estonian', the original nickname of our friend Fred from Estonia, and Brad. Went for a few laps, breaking in the rear shock and getting used to the new behaviour of the bike. Man I like it.
It was freezing with strong winds and temp' in the 30's. Strong gusts of wind were blowing us off the table-tops. Fun ride.

Later I joined the class, 4 to 7 p.m. Colder than ever! Man it was hard, working on some very slippery 180 corners, elbows up, finger on the clutch, balls of feet on the pegs, body weighting the front tire, squizzing the bike. Aaargh!! Cramps, cold, tired muscles. 1,950 calories later (according to my Polar monitor) ir was all fun and good.

Switched on DMXS on my Ipod for the ride back towards Chi-town and the Northwest suburbs.

Great day!