Feb 23, 2009

Been on the move

non-stop! After Houston, I ended up going back to Cali, then to Indy for 4 days, for the surprisingly very successful Dealer Expo 2009. Then back home for 2 days before doing a quick return trip to Atlanta.
Back home and in the office.

The Atlanta SX was on live on TV this past Saturday. What a treat for us fan. The show was good, well filmed, good production keeping an eye on the battles in the back of the pack and kind of predictable victory for James Stewart in the 450 class and Christophe Pourcel in the Lites, especially after Brett Metcalfe's collarbone injury.

The SX circus is moving to Indianapolis this weekend. Racing is always good in the Indiana capital and this is one of my favorite race to travel to.

I'll try to be a bit more serious with posting and keeping my thoughts on paper :-)

The Indy SX track (if they keep it as it is supposed to be and stop modifying it and screwing with lap times and cool designs)